
From Torque Wiki


Utility methods for dealing with generating simple sounds - since vesion 1.12.42


     * Play a sequence of pitches
     * The tones are played in their own thread so execution will continue without pausing.
     * @param pitches a pitch of 0 means no sound, but just pause for 'duration' in playback
     * @param durations
    public static void playTones(final int[] pitches, final int[] durations);

     * Play a single tone.
     * The tone is played asynchronously
     * @param pitch a pitch of 0 means no sound, but just pause for 'duration' in playback
    public static void playTone(int pitch, long durationMillis);


An example usage might look like:

// Play a positive sounding 'connected' type sound
Sound.playTones([400,600,800], [50,50,50]);

// Play the letter 'C' in morse code.
Sound.playTones([600,0,600,0,600,0,600], [500,100,200,100,500,100,200]);